Last Chance to Donate to the “No Fleas” Flea Market at FitnFurry!

daycare30_stillGetting Excited!

There is only one week left to donate items! The excitement is catching on as many of you have brought in your donations. Great stuff is beginning to come in daily; don’t miss out on the fun and prizes! Make sure your friends and neighbors know about this event; they may have some things they’d like to donate too and you’ll benefit from bringing them in!

What We’ve Received so Far:

Toys, collars, harnesses, leashes, bowls, clothes, beds, doggie back-packs, designer doggie carriers, tire biter toys, a dog house and flea medication. These great donations will provide revenue for our furry friends at the Petaluma Animal Shelter and the Sonoma Humane Society!

What We Still Need:

We need many more donations to make this a success. We could use more crates, beds, slightly used leashes and collars, harnesses, doggie gates, dog or cat bowls, kitty equipment, blankets, toys for dogs or cats and flea medications.

When You Give, Fit’n’Furry Will Give Back to You!

Our wonderful donors have been drawing  from our “Dog House” of prizes. Among the prizes are:No Flea Drawing

~ 1 night of boarding for a dog, cat or bird

~Pampered Nail trim for dog or cat

~A luxurious dog bath

~Great apparel-Fit’n’Furry hats

~A fun-filled day of daycare for your pet

Remember when you bring in a new visitor who donates something you will receive $5 in “Bark Bucks”. If this new visitor becomes a client you will receive a $20 credit on your account once they use our services.

We want to be able to sponsor and give back to two of the organizations that do so much for ‘homeless’ pets. Please help us as we reach out to support them. You can make a difference so please tell everyone you know about this event and help make it a success!!

Thank you for your help. Please keep those donations coming in!

Donations accepted at Fit’n’Furry until October 17th.

The ‘No Fleas’ Flea Market will be held on Saturday October 24th from 9am to 3pm.

Our trainer, Ina, will be there from 2 pm to 3 pm to give some FREE training tips.  There will also be a representative from the Petaluma Animal Shelter & the Sonoma Humane Society.

FitnFurry Asks a Veterinarian About Dental Care


Do you regularly look inside your pet’s mouth?  Would you be able to identify a problem if you see one?  Being aware of what your pet’s teeth and gums should look like may help you identify a problem early.  Dental disease is the most commonly diagnosed problem in small animals, affecting about 75% of dogs and cats by the time they’re only 3 years old.  Without regular home and professional care, bacteria and plaque accumulates leading to not only bad breathe but also gingivitis.  Left untreated, this can result in periodontal disease includi ng gingival recession, enamel erosion and root abscess.  In extreme cases, bacteria from your pet’s infected mouth can get into the bloodstream and may cause debilitating systemic disease in the heart, liver, and kidneys.  Fortunately, as for your own oral health care, serious problems are preventable with good oral hygiene habits, regular dental exams, and prompt treatment.  Staying on top of your pet’s oral health will not only improve their quality of life, it can also prolong their life.

It would be n ice if your pet could tell you when they had oral health problems.  Instead, they often mask their discomfort, so it’s important for you to learn how to look for problems yourself.  Gently pick up your pet’s lips and simply look at the teeth and gums.  If your pet’s teeth are discolored, if the gums are puffy, bright red, recessed, or bleeding, your pet probably has gingivitis and may be well on its way to more serious periodontal disease.  Difficulty eating, excessive drooling, putrid breath and loose teeth are also signs of advanced problems that may result in tooth loss or worse.

It is never too late to begin good oral health habits for your pet!  Start today by having your pet’s mouth and teeth examined and continue every 6 – 12 months.  Your veterinarian will be happy to teach you how to properly perform preventive maintenance and work with you to achieve the highest level of oral health for your pet. With regular attention, your pet will not only tolerate dental homecare, but will enjoy the extra attention!

Don’t forget about the “No Flea’s” Flea Market at Fit’n’Furry! This is a benefit for the Petaluma Animal Shelter and the Sonoma Humane Society. Fit’n’Furry is collecting pet related donations that will be sold “Flea Market’ Style on October 24th in which all proceeds go to these great organizations. You can help by donating your slightly used  beds, leashes, collars, cratsadshelterdoges etc. by October 17th or by coming down and buying something on the day of the event. Please spread the word and help us help these very important animal-care facilities!

FitnFurry is Hosting a Benefit For Two Great Organizations!

The “No Fleas” Flee Market at Fit’n’Furry will be held on October 24th and all proceeds go to benefit the Petaluma Animal Shelter and  Sonoma  Humane Societysadshelterdog. We value your time and want to keep those of you who love to help animals updated on our progress as we get closer to this critical event for these two wonderful and giving organizations.

What We’ve Received So Far:

Three dog beds, a crate, many toys, a few collars, a scratching post, feeding dishes and some doggie clothes.

What We Still Need:

We need many more donations to make this a success. Slightly used leashes, dog colars, harnesses, doggie gates, dog or cat bowls, crates, beds, blankets, toys, and any unused flea medications.

When You Give Fit’n’Furry Will Give Back to You

When you bring in your donations you will be eligible to draw  from our “Dog House” of prizes. Among the prizes are: 1 night of boarding, a nail trim, a dog bath, and various other prizes. If you bring in a new visitor who wants to donate something you will receive $5 in Bark Bucks. If this new visitor becomes a client you will receive $20 credit on your account once they use our services.

We want to be able to sponsor and give back  to two of the organizations that do so much for ‘homeless’ pets so please help us as we reach out to support them. You can make a difference so please tell everyone you know  about this event and make it a success!!

We will keep you updated  on how we are doing and how much you are helping the Petaluma Animal Shelter & Sonoma Humane Society.

FitnFurry is having a No Flea’s Flea Market!

There are hundreds of animals that reside at local shelters on any given day.  There are many ways individuals and families can help support the Humane Society & SPCA  and ensure the continuation of  many programs and services for people and animals in the community. Whether you donate, volunteer, use  services or help in other ways, your contribution is critical to help  rescue and rehabilitate more animals each year and continue  education and outreach programs to children, seniors and  families.

The Humane Society & SPCA of Sonoma County is a private, non-profit organization that is solely funded and supported by individuals in the community. They do not receive any funding from government sources or national organizations, and  are not affiliated with other Humane Societies or the HSUS. The Petaluma Animal Shelter relies on donations to provide all the extras for animals  such as bedding, veterinary care, toys and shelter improvements.These organizations provide they necessary care for animals until they are, hopefully,  placed in a good home. The animals rely on the gifts from private individuals to survive. Norman

Do you have any slightly used toys, leashes, harnesses, collars, crates, clothes, beds, seasonal items, or anything else pet-related that you would like to donate to a good cause? The “No Flea’s Flea market” is an event benefiting the Sonoma County Humane Society and the Petaluma Animal Shelter. Fit’n’Furry will be hosting the “No Flea’s  Flea Market” on Saturday, October 24th from 9am to 3pm. Please drop off your items between now and October 17th. We only ask that your donations be clean and next to new. If you need something for your furry friend please come and see if you can find it here! There will be many great items for your pets and the proceeds go to support these very important organizations.