Mew Years!

You have your New Years resolutions and your pets have theirs.  As you start the year you should keep track of who is more S0071-14successful you or your pet at conquering those resolutions.

~I don’t need to suddenly stand up while lying under the coffee table.
~I don’t need to go through the trash while my parents are out.
~I will remember the Trash Collector is not stealing!
~I will remember the Mail Man is a nice man, oh and he doesn’t taste good.
~My head doesn’t belong in the refrigerator.
~I will no longer be beholden to the sound of the can opener.
~I will grow opposable thumbs!
~I will start feeding myself and decide for myself how much is TOO MUCH!
~January 1st: Kill the sock! Must kill the sock!
~January 2nd to December 31st: Re-live victory over the sock.
~I will remember the sofa is not a scratching post, no matter how tempting.