Clicker Training – From Dolphins to Dogs

Click to Communicate!
Unfortunately dogs don’t speak English, however the clicker provides you with a clear and simple form or communication with your pooch.

This method of training was first developed to train dolphins. The trainers needed to devise a way of rewarding them for doing the desired behavior. If the dolphin jumped through a hoop and then had to swim back to the trainer for his fish reward he wasn’t quite sure what he had done right. The trainers began using a high pitched whistle that the animal could hear even under the water, then they ‘loaded’ the whistle (feeding the dolphin whenever the whistle was blown) thus the dolphin associated the sound with the reward. When he jumped through the hoop he heard the whistle and knew that was the behavior that was wanted and that a fish was coming. This wonderful method has been used to train all types of animals but works particularly well with dogs, the only difference is instead of a whistle they use a clicker. This method is actually a conditioned response or ‘operant conditioning’ which is when an animal intentionally performs an action for the desired outcome, namely a treat. This actually employs the animal to act with purpose instead of just habit. Any behavior can be taught using these steps: get the behavior, mark the behavior, reward the behavior. This method can be used for basic obedience or for more advanced training.

Think about it: if you had to go to work every day and never got paid, most likely you wouldn’t last long, but you get up every morning and work hard because you know that you are getting some form of compensation. So, let’s not forget to pay our dogs for a job well done; come and learn the steps behind getting this method to work for you.

707.769.PETS or 707.769.7387

Call Fit’N’Furry today to find out more about our Clicker Training Classes and when they start.

Is DUPSTER DIVING Your Dog’s New Hobby?

Who ME?

I don’t know about your dog but mine has taken a liking to going through the trash, just to make sure I haven’t thrown something tasty away. He never does it while I am home, but if I leave him for a few minuets and don’t make sure to put the trash out I am certain to walk in on a MESS. I do my best to remember to put the trash out so that it won’t be a temptation, however I don’t want to know he is waiting for his moment either. So, I learned a trick! I set up a little trap, first I got a bunch of empty soda cans and a cookie sheet, then I balanced the sheet on top of the trash can with the cans on the sheet. I made sure there were some very tempting and smelly items in the trash and then I stepped out for a little walk. I didn’t go far, I just waited until I heard the clatter, so I made sure to get back in case he had the chance to get something juicy out of the trash. When I returned the cans were all over the floor and my dog was as far away from the trash can as he could be. I think I made my point! He is very careful about approaching the trash can now and generally cuts it a wide berth. The best part is that he is convinced the trash can made the noise, not me so I know he will think twice about dumpster diving whether I am there or not.