Proper Pet Nail Care

We all know that keeping dog’s nails short is a part of keeping them healthy and happy, but without experience this task can turn into a struggle. While nail trims done improperly will leave a dog dreading the event, long nails could cause deformities in the foot, gait, and eventually spine. This makes asking pet grooming professionals, like those at Fit ‘n’ Furry , about proper nail maintenance critical. Owners are at times surprised to learn the anatomy of dogs’ nails requires them to be proactive in their pet’s nail maintenance.


Dog nails serve similar functions of human nails (protecting carpal bone tips with tough dead keratin cells), but the anatomy is quite different. The nail of your pooch is a cap over a system of blood vessels and nerve endings, called the kwik. This explains why bleeding and pain result when nails are cut too short, however regular nail trims will keep the kwik and nails short.

While the structures are more visible in dogs with white nails, darker nails can make it impossible to see where these blood vessels begin. Because memories of painful nail trims can cause dogs to become resistant to future trims, it is advised to see professional groomers every three weeks for this service. With positive reinforcements during the whole experience, dogs will learn to look forward to their pawdicure!