What’s Up With Wade? Guest Post by Devan of Fit ‘n’ Furry: Week 2 With Wade

Here I am in my second week of puppy ownership.

Wade has been getting better about his social skills. I’ve been physically presenting dogs to him, booty-first, in an attempt to teach him how he should properly greet another dog. So far, so good. He definitely prefers big dogs, and tries to play with little dogs, (unfortunately, the little dogs are usually older and don’t want to play anymore).

IMG_1969We’re working on some trick training, along with his basic obedience. He knows sit VERY well, he’s got a down, shake, high-five, drop it, and “hup!” over a broom handle. Detailed post to follow.

Wade’s new favorite things are his toys. We cracked and bought him some stuffed animal toys… He LOVES them!

Using the toys as rewards is perfect as well. That’s how he learned “hup!”

Mostly, I just wanted to post this adorable picture of him…

FitnFurry is having a No Flea’s Flea Market!

There are hundreds of animals that reside at local shelters on any given day.  There are many ways individuals and families can help support the Humane Society & SPCA  and ensure the continuation of  many programs and services for people and animals in the community. Whether you donate, volunteer, use  services or help in other ways, your contribution is critical to help  rescue and rehabilitate more animals each year and continue  education and outreach programs to children, seniors and  families.

The Humane Society & SPCA of Sonoma County is a private, non-profit organization that is solely funded and supported by individuals in the community. They do not receive any funding from government sources or national organizations, and  are not affiliated with other Humane Societies or the HSUS. The Petaluma Animal Shelter relies on donations to provide all the extras for animals  such as bedding, veterinary care, toys and shelter improvements.These organizations provide they necessary care for animals until they are, hopefully,  placed in a good home. The animals rely on the gifts from private individuals to survive. Norman

Do you have any slightly used toys, leashes, harnesses, collars, crates, clothes, beds, seasonal items, or anything else pet-related that you would like to donate to a good cause? The “No Flea’s Flea market” is an event benefiting the Sonoma County Humane Society and the Petaluma Animal Shelter. Fit’n’Furry will be hosting the “No Flea’s  Flea Market” on Saturday, October 24th from 9am to 3pm. Please drop off your items between now and October 17th. We only ask that your donations be clean and next to new. If you need something for your furry friend please come and see if you can find it here! There will be many great items for your pets and the proceeds go to support these very important organizations.